Thursday, February 20, 2014

\\ Secretly I love being pregnant //

I'd like to preface this post with the fact that my husband and I are not professionals...and since my sweet best friend Chantel is not here, we had to make do. I would love to have my sexy man with me on a few of these photos but alas he is the eye behind the camera. 
Not to get on anyone's bad side but I struggle loving pregnancy photos, some of them are horrible and nobody wants to see that...or it's just too weird! Anyway I hope with these photos nobody feels uncomfortable... I love the more natural feel. Soooo I went with that.... 

Just a little update from Kigan and I, we are at 34 weeks now! Only six or so more to go... We were laughing the other day, because both of us got this feeling that the little guy just might come early... My last day of work is March 22nd, and then Kigan has a big Ethics Law exam on the 29th...soooo to our little dude if you come early my last day of work would be great...if not please hold on until Kigan finishes his exam. 

Also we are so stoked...Kigan has his last performance with mock trial this weekend up in New York! I am so over this hahaha and so is he.... I am so proud of him and all his hard work! 

So here's to pregnancy and the joys it adds to your lives! 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

S N O W day

 I wish I could capture the full beauty that arrived over night...but this was the best I could do. It was so fun to actually have snow and not just a few inches a foot! I honestly didn't think the news was going to be right...since their track record has been... well, let's just saw off! Kigan was so sweet he got up with me this morning and cleaned off the car and started her up. I went out and it literally took me 10 minutes to go 2 feet rolling back and forth trying to get out of my parking space. Sooo even though I'm from Utah and have driven in ridiculous storms...I was forced to admit defeat. Calling into work, they were so nice and understanding, mostly they didn't want a 7 1/2 month pregnant women driving out in the crazy snow....but seriously if they plowed it wouldn't be that big of a deal. Needless to say, it was a nice snowy day off and I can't complain.